What is early permanence?
Early permanence is a means of placing a child (quite often a baby or child under the age of two) with prospective adopters, also approved as foster carers at an earlier stage whilst assessments of the birth family and the court process are ongoing.
What are the advantages of early permanence?
Most adopted babies and young children experience several changes of carer and broken attachments. With early permanence, we can avoid this by placing the child or children with their potential permanent family at an earlier stage. This benefits children by helping them to develop secure attachments with fewer caregivers, and at a younger age. As an early permanence carer, you will be part of a child’s life at the earliest opportunity.
Could You Be An Early Permanence Carer?
Early permanence carers need to be able to look after a young child through a period of uncertainty about his or her future. They will also need to bring the child to see their birth parents regularly. You will need to be emotionally resilient and able to balance the uncertainty early permanence creates with the benefits it brings for the child. We will talk with you about early permanence and provide you with additional information and support should you wish to progress along this pathway.
Together4Children provide additional training and support for those prospective adopters who wish to consider becoming an early permanence carer.
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