Your adoption story

There are many reasons why children sometimes can’t live with their family. Some parents find it hard to look after their children properly or keep them safe.

If you can’t live at home with your family, it may be decided that adoption would be in your best interests. Adoption means you grow up in a new family where you are safe, loved and cared for.

You will live in a different home with your adoptive family. You may have brothers and sisters. You might also get grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.

Adoptive families come in all shapes and sizes. Your social worker will talk to you about the type of family you want, and they will take great care choosing a family that is right for you.

For more information, click on the link below to read the children’s guide to adoption (LINK)

Shropshire Council
Staffordshire County Council
Telford & Wrekin Council
0300 111 8044