Keeping in touch

Arrangement for Birth Relatives and Adoptive Families to share information safely and securely are now seen as the norm in modern adoption. This is a completely confidential service and we understand that initially as a prospective adopter you may have some anxieties around this.

Benefits of contact

the child

  • Being able to keep in touch with birth parents/significant other family members
  • To know that their birth parents and other family are safe and well
  • To help gain a sense of their own history
  • Reduce feelings of loss and rejection

the adopters

  • To provide important information that may not have been available at the time of the adoption, eg hereditary medical conditions
  • To receive information about the wellbeing of the child’s birth family
  • It can help reduce any myths about the birth family and prevent ‘fantasies’
  • It may help adoptive parents to talk openly with the child(ren) about their adoption.

the birth parent & family:

  • To reassure that the child(ren) is safe and well
  • For the child to know that you and other birth relatives are safe and well
  • To give you updates about the child’s progress
  • Gives you the chance to share news about your life that may be interesting and helpful
  • As the child grows up it may be important for them to know that you stayed in touch. This may help them to make sense of their past
0300 111 8044